Thursday 11 November 2010

Opening Title Sequence of Dawn of the Dead

In the opening title sequence of Dawn of the Dead the typography reflects the horror in the film; the way the names spiral out can reflect the veins of humans and the red writing could represent the blood and gore of the film. The non-diegetic music of Johnny Cash is too up-beat for the footage and this creates an unsettling and spine-chilling feel for the audience as it is an unexpected choice of music as it isn't the usual choice for a horror film. Also, the sounds of the screams and the news reports show the audience it is a world-wide pandemic and shows how much chaos there is in the world at the time. 
Moreover, the use of the news footage throughout the opening titles makes the horror seem real, and makes the audience feel that they are watching the news themselves and as if it is happening to them. Also, there are many shots where it is blackness, this conveys the genre of horror because it foreshadows that you never know what will happen next. There are also many quick shots during the title sequence, this gives the audience brief pictures therefore making them feel that everything is happening so fast that they have no time to think. 
The close-ups and the establishing shots shows the audience what is happening, the close-up of the zombies would make them feel terrified because it would make them feel very close to the zombie and therefore making them vulnerable. 

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